Rynhye(리네)는 대중들이 공감할만 한 트렌디하고 클래식한 디자인을

지향하여 "당신의 일상에 특별함을" 선물하는 브랜드가 되고자 합니다.

Rynhye pursues a trendy and classic design that the public can sympathize with.

We want to be a brand that presents "something special to your daily life".

Company. Rynhye I Owner.신혜린 
Address. Buljeong-ro 397th Street, Bundang-gu,
Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do
Business License. 787-54-00395
T. 010-6838-4468 I E. hyeringee@gmail.com 
Mall Order License. 제 2020-성남분당B-0070
Bank Account. 국민 298701-04-116730
 Hosting by (주)아임웹

Company. Rynhye I Owner. 혜린
Address. Bundang-gu, Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do
Business License. 787-54-00395 I T. 010-6838-4468 I E. hyeringee@gmail.com
Mall Order License. 제 2020-성남분당B-0070 I Bank Account. 국민 298701-04-116730 I Hosting by (주)아임웹